Sanctuary Family Solutions
"It takes a village, always has, always will"
Motto: “It takes a village, always has, always will”.
This motto was adopted in acknowledgement that best practice includes working in partnerships within the community, as this provides a holistic approach to improving community outcomes.
Mission Statement
To enhance the lives of children, families and individuals by working in partnership within the community to provide a holistic solution focussed approach.
Work together and in partnership
Recognising that “It takes a village, always has, always will”
Respecting and supporting the rights of individuals and families to have their say
Welcoming diversity
Valuing and welcoming diversity within the community, and learning from others
Creating an environment where everyone feels safe and part of the community
Providing individualised and personalised support to suit the needs of others, and being open to new ideas and ways of doing things
Working towards achieving goals by providing a quality service that strives for excellence